About Us

The Prettiest Halal Only Directory in town

Hi, we’re Halalke

Welcome to HalalKe, the most charming halal-only directory you’ll ever find! Whether you’re a Muslim foodie or just exploring halal options, our vibrant community is here to guide you through a world of delicious, halal-certified and Muslim-owned food places. Dive into our latest listings, uncover hidden gems in your neighborhood, and enjoy peace of mind with our halal community lookout ensuring every bite is genuinely halal. Let’s make your next meal adventure effortless and exciting! 🍽️✨

1. Find great halal food places

With HalalKe, discovering amazing halal food places has never been easier or more exciting. Our directory is packed with a diverse range of halal-certified and Muslim-owned restaurants, cafes, and eateries, ensuring you have access to a variety of cuisines that fit your lifestyle and dietary needs.

Join our community, and embark on a culinary journey like no other, where every meal is an opportunity to explore new flavors and make lasting memories, all within the comforting assurance of halal compliance.

2. Save them to your list (Coming Soon)

Embrace the convenience and joy of HalalKe with our ‘Save them to your list’ feature. Think of it as your personal social halal restaurant diary, a place where you can organize and keep track of all those tantalizing eateries you’re eager to try. 

Gone are the days of having your favorite halal spots scattered across different apps like TikTok, Instagram, or buried in your notes. With HalalKe, streamline your halal dining discoveries in one accessible, user-friendly spot. 

Whether it’s a new restaurant that caught your eye or a recommendation you stumbled upon online, add it to your list effortlessly. This feature isn’t just about making a list; it’s about building your own curated halal culinary journey, one that you can share, explore, and enjoy with ease and excitement.

Our Mission

Our big dream is to make finding yummy halal food as fun and easy as a game! We love helping our Muslim friends around the world learn about tasty, healthy food that’s good for our planet too. 

Think of us as your friendly guide in a big food adventure, showing you all the best halal places to eat. Our mission? To help everyone, one happy list at a time, learn about good food choices that make us and the Earth smile. 

So, let’s join hands and make eating a fun, healthy, and earth-friendly adventure. With HalalKe, every meal is a chance to learn something new and make the world a brighter, happier place!

The story behind Halalke

Once upon a time, in a bustling city filled with diverse flavors and aromas, a group of entrepreneurs who had successfully built companies over the past decade, found themselves united by a shared love of food. They were not just any food enthusiasts; they were visionaries who believed in the power of technology to change the world, one meal at a time. 

Their journey began with a simple realization: while they relished exploring different cuisines, finding halal food options that were both delicious and environmentally conscious was often a challenge. They saw an opportunity in this challenge – to create a platform that would make discovering halal food fun, easy, and accessible for everyone. And so, HalalKe was born.

The founders of HalalKe were a diverse bunch, each bringing their unique skills and experiences to the table. They had the tech wizard who could build robust platforms, the marketing guru who knew how to connect with communities, the culinary adventurer who had a palate for discovering the best eats, and the sustainability advocate who ensured every decision was planet-friendly.

Together, they envisioned HalalKe as more than just a directory for halal food places. They saw it as a vibrant community where Muslims and food lovers could come together to share, explore, and learn about halal food options that were healthy for both people and the planet. They wanted HalalKe to be a place where kids and adults alike could embark on a delicious journey, understanding the importance of what they eat and how it impacts the world.

As HalalKe grew, it became a colorful tapestry of stories – from hidden culinary gems in local neighborhoods to tips on sustainable travel and healthy eating. The founders stayed true to their mission, constantly innovating and using technology to make HalalKe a friendly, engaging, and informative space.

And the most magical part? Every user of HalalKe became part of this story. Each saved restaurant, each shared meal experience, and each new discovery on the platform wasn’t just a transaction – it was a step towards a more informed, healthy, and conscious world. The founders of HalalKe had started with a dream to change the world through food and technology, and, bit by bit, this dream was becoming a delicious reality.

In this story of HalalKe, every meal is an adventure, every list a treasure map, and every user a cherished member of a global family, all united by the love of good food and the desire to make a difference.

And so, the story continues, with each new day bringing more flavors, more learning, and more chances to change the world, one halal meal at a time.

Keen to join our team?

Join the Halalke family and dive into a world where work feels like play! Here, every day is a blend of innovation, collaboration, and a sprinkle of fun. If you’re passionate about making a difference and craving a journey filled with laughter and growth, you’re looking at your next adventure. Come toast to new beginnings with us!

Some of clients that we worked with.
Halal Ke | The prettiest halal directory